I would like to organize a fundraising activity

Informations générales

Fundraising Activity Details

Mandatory declaration and waiver of liability document


Once the fundraising project is validated by a member of the CMHA-Montréal team:  

The CMHA–Montréal Branch authorizes third parties raising funds to use its “Proud supporter” logo; 

The CMHA–Montréal Branch must give prior authorization for the use of its name; 
The CMHA–Montréal Branch must study and approve all promotional materials (namely letters, brochures, press releases, pamphlets, and ads) before their distribution; 

It is prohibited to use the name of CMHA–Montréal Branch on product packaging; 

All promotional materials must clearly indicate the percentage of revenue or the amount or portion of the ticket price that will be paid to the CMHA–Montréal Branch; 

The CMHA–Montréal Branch will administer only net revenue declared at the end of the fundraising activity. Under no circumstance shall the revenue and expenses of third parties raising funds transit through the CMHA–Montréal Branch; 

The CMHA–Montréal Branch cannot be held financially responsible for promotional or organizational expenses incurred by third parties doing fundraising; 

Anyone who organizes a fundraiser is subject to these conditions and releases the Canadian Mental Health Association–Montréal Branch, members of its management, and all employees from any liability, claims, costs, penalties, or expenses (notably legal costs) that may result from a claim or a suit, threats of suits, against the CMHA–Montréal Branch, for reasons related to its fundraising, notably bodily injury. The person organizing a fundraiser assumes sole responsibility. The obligations of the person organizing a fundraiser remain in effect upon the expiration of these conditions; 

The CMHA–Montréal Branch does not authorize third parties to organize the following types of fundraisers: 
• Fundraising programs on commission; 
• Activities that involve or encourage behaviours and ideologies incompatible with the mission or activities of the CMHA–Montréal Branch;  
• Activities involving the promotion or support of a political party or a candidate for an election or activities that appear partisan; 
• Direct solicitation (notably door-to-door and telemarketing activities); 

The CMHA–Montréal Branch reserves the right to withdraw authorization to use its name at any time; 

The person who organizes a fundraiser will notify the CMHA–Montréal Branch as soon as possible of any cancellation or postponement of the fundraising activity. Notice must be sent at least 24 hours before the date initially planned for fundraising activities; 

The organizers of fundraisers must administer their own fundraising web page themselves as well as any communications (for example, publishing information or sending email requests); 

Since the CMHA–Montréal Branch communication channels are meant for the promotion of mental health and its activities, they may not be used for the promotion of fundraisers. Organizers are solely responsible for promoting their fundraising activity; 

The fundraising organizations authorize the CMHA–Montréal Branch to use photos and content submitted to it voluntarily, for online and off-line promotion.